Life Without Plastic In Thailand

Life Without Plastic In Thailand

I used to eat food from the local street vendors. Most of my meals were served wrapped in either a banana leaf or yesterday’s newspaper. Some meals were even served off of unclassified military paperwork that was recovered from the rubbish. Nowadays, everywhere in...
14 Tips For A Stress Free Flight

14 Tips For A Stress Free Flight

Traveling can be a stressful event and airplane travel is tops on the list of the stressors that we experience on what is supposed to be an exciting and fun event. A few simple steps can remove most of the stress of air travel. Things to do before travel day: 1) Pack...
Common Sense Travel Tips

Common Sense Travel Tips

Traveling With Ear Problem Tips Changes in pressure can temporarily block the Eustachian tube, causing your ears to ‘pop’ or to experience a sensation of fullness. To equalize the pressure, swallow frequently; chewing gum sometimes helps. Yawning is also effective....
Airplane Travel Comfort Tips

Airplane Travel Comfort Tips

Airplane Travel Comfort Tips That the Pros Follow The most important Airplane Comfort Tip that will make you feel very comfortable while flying is if you know that you have struck the best deal and managed to save a lot of money. Whether you are flying on a business...
How To Save Your Traveling Cost

How To Save Your Traveling Cost

Day Dreaming of Locations Have you ever dreamt of sampling local wines in Tuscany in September? Will it be a wonderful time to visit Paris in the spring? Enjoy the English countryside in the summer? You may think this is just a dream and cannot reach. It doesn’t have...
Beware Of Travel Scams

Beware Of Travel Scams

Unlike most products, travel services usually have to be paid for before they are delivered. This creates opportunities for disreputable individuals and companies. Some travel packages turn out to be very different from what was presented or what the consumer...