Easy To Follow Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Successful Youtube Channel

Learn how to create, grow and montitize your YouTube Channel from the beginning and advance in all aspects of creating a successful audience.

Everyone has a story to share…

Know your audience.  Make a connection. Grow a community.

Develop your skills to deliver your message and content to your audience. It is you they want to see and watch!  Showcase your personality, quircks and humor to an audience that will return wanting to wacth again and again.

You Tube has the ability to connect you to an audience that enjoys your content and builds your trust and authority.  Developing quality content is key to growth and your success. 

You will learn tips and tricks that I learned in Film Academy to create a successful YouTube Channel. (with less frustrations)

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

-Lao Tzu

Learn how to get your first 1,000 subscribers as soon as you can.

Are you ready to get started with YouTube?

Perhaps you’re looking to start something new, exciting, and it’s worth sharing with the world.

Do you do something that is fun and enjoyable? Something that other people would enjoy following and learning from your experiences?

YouTube is a fun and exciting place to share these memories with people you know and for future people who will discover your talents or hobbies.

It can be frightening to think of all that is required to get started, but it’s much simpler than you might actually think.

When first starting out it might seem a little bit overwhelming or maybe you have thought, “Am I really that interesting? “, “Who is really going to end up watching anything that I have to say on YouTube? “ or “How am I going to learn everything I need to know and have all the right tech equipment?”

It can be a little overwhelming at first, getting everything set up and knowing what to do to make a good video and get it posted to YouTube. 

There are several little tricks and tips to make it easy and more enjoyable for you as a content creator and for your audience.

Most people have discovered that they know one or two steps in the process, but need help on creating the whole idea and learning step-by-step to create quality content.

Julia and I have decided that we were just gonna go for it, do our best and see where our journey will lead us to. I thought Julia how to edit the videos together and to add music while I focused on capturing the video content.  Together, we made a great team.

Searching for information on YouTube can become exhausting and overwhelming. The creators who offered courses have millions of subscribers and they often have gimmicks to get you to pay a little bit of money and they’re mostly targeting teens or content that was irrelevant to what Julia and I were doing.

Some of these creators are trying to teach you how to make “videos go viral“ and that’s not what Julia and I were trying to do. A lot of other courses are trying to teach you very cinematic moves, how to win awards, and get that cinematic footage. While this is very helpful for those people who are pursuing a career in video production, but Julia and I just wanted to create content for our family and friends.

Luckily for us YouTube is not about making Grammy-nominated movies or tricking our audience into subscribing to our channel.

Our successful formula has been telling our stories and sharing adventures around the world as a travel couple.

You can have good content, but no views. A little bit of marketing yourself and being creative you can grow your YouTube channel and audience.  

There’s no magic formula to grow your channel on YouTube. Often times, most successful channels have quality content combined with a great story. 

Lucky for you all of your subscribers are already watching YouTube. Through this program you’ll learn exactly how to use YouTube analytics to grow your channel by getting your videos in front of your target audience with no other gimmicks. 

The process of growing a successful YouTube channel takes time and a lot of effort. You have to be willing to create good content and have a story behind your channel. With a little bit of effort combined with a lot of ambition you can grow your YouTube channel and see how rewarding it is. Are you committed to growing your YouTube channel? Join our community of committed creators and learn.

Imagine receiving emails from your audience of people who you’ve inspired or change their lives through your videos on YouTube. Imagine having footage to look back on for the rest of your life, and YouTube gives you the ability to share your content with the world. On top of all this, if you grow your YouTube channel successfully imagine getting direct deposit from Google each month for the rest of your life. All of this is possible! 

You can create the life you want to live starting right now. Julia and I have planned out years ago with a life plan and envisioned ourselves traveling making videos and documenting our journey. It’s never been all easy sailing, and there’s been a lot of bumps in the road. But each struggle only made us better.  Take the first step, don’t wait, and get started now!


Imagine where you could be if you would have started ealier?  

What You’ll Learn in this Course:

Channel Theme

How to stand out on YouTube

  • What is the importance of a theme?
  • How to create channel art
  • How to identify your audience

Channel Setup

Creating Your Channel

  • How to create a new channel
  • How to set your channel settings
  • How to create channel tags


How to Select the Right Gear

  • How to get started fast and cheap
  • How to select the correct camera
  • How to pick an action cam
  • Camera, audio and microphones
  • How to stabalize your footage

Managing Video Files

How to Manage Your Video Files

  • How to choose the right SD chip and external hard drive
  • How to organize your footage to avoid choas


How to Edit Like a Pro, When Your’re Not

  • How to tell a great story through your video
  • How to choose the right editing software
  • Editing tutorials

Royaltiy Free Music

How to Find Killer Music You Can Actually Use

  • How to find royalty free music 
  • How to use music to create a feeling
  • How to create channel tags

SEO and Analytics

How to Get More Views and Subscribers

  • Five strategies to get more views
  • How does “Clickbait” work?
  • How to understand YouTube analytics

Uploading Videos

How to Upload Videos Correctly

  • How to upload your video to YouTube
  • How to add a custom Thumbnail
  • How to use end screens and cards

Launching Your Channel

How to Get Started on the Right Foot

  • How to create a successful launch and grow your channel
  • How to post videos on social media
  • How to handle comments and scams

Bonus Lessons

How to Start Smart

  • How to get over “camera shy”
  • How to grow your email lest through your channel
  • How to select the right drone for you

What is YouTube All About? 

Through YouTube you are able to directly deliver your message and personality to millions.  You can develope an audience, create special close connections gain trust and authority in your niche.  

Meet Your Instructors

Both  Jesse Torres III, and Julia Torres  have been married since 2019 and working full-time as content creators.  

When Jesse and Julia first started their YouTube Channel it was mostly for them to have something to look back on years later, and also to share with thier family and freinds.  

Now with their success of acheiving their desired style of living and traveling, they want to share the journey with others looking to acheive that same; the freedom of travel.  


New sections continuously added to keep you up to date on changes and you’ll have unlimited access to content forever.

If you want to get started today you can take instant access to the already reduced price, don’t delay.  Take advantage and get lifetime access before the price increases. It will never be as low as $297 again.

Should you take advantage of this limited time offer, and not be 100% satisfied, a full-refund will be issued on our behalf.  So do take advantage now.

Your Online Course is Packed with Useful Information  

  • 11 sections and bonus section
  • 40 guided lessons on power pointe
  • Step-by-step tutorials and PDF downloads
  • Bonus lessons for using apps and websites
  • Private Master Mind Slack Group
  • Lifetime Access Membership 
  • Updated useful publications

Need Help?  connect@torresjourneys.com

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