Embarking on a unique adventure, we set out on our motorcycle tour from the charming town of Lubec, Maine, into the welcoming embrace of New Brunswick, Canada. Our journey began with the crossing of two ferries, taking us from island to island and offering us a fresh perspective on border crossings.
Mulholland Point Lighthouse and Crossing the Border:
Our expedition kicked off at the Mulholland Point Lighthouse, where we approached the border between Lubec and Campobello Island. Riding across the bridge onto Campobello Island, excitement filled the air. The lighthouse seemed to guide us through this cross-border transition.
Deer Island – Campobello Island Ferry: An Enchanting Maritime Passage:
Boarding the Deer Island – Campobello Island ferry, we found ourselves immersed in the enchanting world of maritime beauty. The ferry’s gentle voyage treated us to captivating vistas of the water, connecting us with the heart of coastal living. The journey from one island to another became a lesson in maritime geography.
Exploring the Tranquil Beauty of Deer Island:
Continuing our ride along the tranquil shores of Deer Island, the rhythm of the road perfectly matched the island’s unhurried pace. The landscape might have seemed unassuming, but it held a unique charm of its own. Our motorcycle carved a path, becoming a part of the island’s serene surroundings and forging a personal connection.
North End of Deer Island and Letete Ferry: A Nautical Transition:
Reaching the North end of Deer Island, the next ferry awaited us. Boarding the Letete Ferry, we embarked on a nautical voyage that wound through the surrounding islands. The ferry’s course painted a vivid picture of the maritime world, linking the islands and weaving together different segments of our journey.
Arrival at L’Etete and Our Ride to Saint John:
Stepping off the Letete Ferry onto Canadian soil marked a significant moment. The quaint village of L’Etete welcomed us, offering a glimpse of New Brunswick’s allure. As we rode towards Saint John, our journey became a bridge between experiences. We realized that there are diverse paths to enter Canada, each carrying its own unique story.
Our crossing from Maine to New Brunswick transformed into a story of ferries, islands, and border crossings. The Mulholland Point Lighthouse, the Deer Island – Campobello Island ferry, the tranquility of Deer Island’s roads, and the Letete ferry crossing became integral parts of our adventure. Riding towards Saint John, our journey expanded beyond a mere border crossing, evolving into a voyage of discovery and celebration of maritime connections.